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Located on New York's famous music street - 168 West 48th - Right Track was founded in 1976 by studio owner and pioneer, Simon Andrews. Power Station and industry veteran Barry Bongiovi, Right Track's General Manager joined forces with Andrews in 1995 and this combining of reputations, talent, and experience has brewed a strong formula for success.

Bongiovi attributes the studio's success in maintaining such a diverse client list to their technical and production staff, Andrews's ability to anticipate industry trends, and Right Track's overall atmosphere and approach. "There's no pretension here, we just do the job - regardless of who the client is," says Bongiovi. By anticipating needs and keeping maintenance extremely high, Right Track strives to make the studio the creative environment it should be. Says Bongiovi, "We want our clients to come in and do what they came here to do - make records....and hopefully, successful ones."

Winner of the 1999 Tec Award for Outstanding Institutional Achievement, Right Track has long enjoyed Billboard and Grammy sucesses. The studios 1999 Grammy winners include Lauryn Hill - Best new Producer, Artist and Album, Will Smith, Pat Metheny, Stevie Wonder, and Herbie Hancock. The 1999 Oscar for Best Song went to "When You Believe" from the Prince of Egypt recorded at Right Track with Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston (shown at right).
168 West 48th Street
New York, New York 10036
Tel: 212-944-5770 | Fax: 212-944-7258